Unions4VET Projektpartner

Bilateral activities

Train-the-trainer–workshop on 31th May and 1st June 2018 in Athens

Qualification of in-company trainers/ mentors working with apprentices

A two-day train-the-trainer-workshop was successful implemented in Athens in a joint cooperation of DGB and bfw-Unternehmen für Bildung and the Greek partner organization INE-GSEE. Various stakeholders in vocational education and training as well as Greek in-company-trainer/ mentors took part in the workshop. Gerasimos Karoulas, expert for vocational education and training in Greece dealed with the participants on subjects like role and tasks of trainers, planning and designing of training processes. Quality criteria and current developments referring the Ordinance on Trainer Aptitude in Germany were presented and discussed together with the German moderators. The participants are interested to improve their trainer competences, e.g. in further training Moduls.

German-Greek workshops: “Reinforcing apprenticeships – improving quality and the involvement of the trade unions” on 28/11/2017 in Athens and on 29/11/2017 in Heraklion

INE-GSEE, DGB and bfw Held two workshops with apprentices, trainers and trade union representatives in the tourism sector in November 2017 in cooperation with the DEKRA Academy “MENDI” project. The objective was to develop approaches to improve the training situation in the sector.
The “MENDI (Mentoring Dual International)” project aimed to encourage apprenticeships in the hotel sector. Under the auspices of the German-Greek project, some 170 young people received dual training to become chefs, restaurant workers and hotel staff over the course of 3 years. The project furthermore developed and implemented quality standards for teaching locations, such as the works and the vocational school.
Building upon this German-Greek collaboration, workshops were held with apprentices and works trainers involved in the MENDI project and trade union representatives in the context of Unions4VET . These were firstly aimed at approaches to raise the quality of apprenticeships and to improve the situation of the apprentices. They were secondly used to discuss opportunities of a better representation of the interests of the apprentices by the trade unions.

Developing a concept for apprentice mentoring

INE-GSEE, bfw and DGB jointly developed a mentoring concept between employees and apprentices in two workshops in Hamburg in March 2017 and in Athens in May 2017. The workshops were aligned to the specific situation of apprentices in Greek enterprises and also included elements to raise the competence of the representation of apprentice interests. The mentoring process enables employees and apprentices from different undertakings to network and to mutually support each other. As mentors, employees have the opportunity to pass on their knowledge and experience to mentees and thus enable cross-company learning. As mentees, the apprentices in turn find the support of other employees during their training, which promotes quality assurance. The workshops were overseen by employees of Kontor5, who are experts in mentoring.

The programme for the workshop in March 2017 can be downloaded here.

The programme for the workshop in May 2017 can be downloaded here.

“Vocational education and training in Southern Europe – trade union perspectives of learning on-the-job” conference on 28 & 29/11/2016 in Athens

A conference concerning the particular challenges of vocational education and training in Southern Europe was held in November 2016 in Athens. With the involvement of Greek, Portuguese and Italian trade unions and the DGB, the representatives of trade unions exchanged views on the situation of vocational education and training in their countries, they discussed approaches for apprenticeships in small enterprise structures in Germany and defined common challenges and fields of action to raise the quality of VET in Southern Europe. One of the results of the conference was a joint policy paper formulated by the Southern European trade unions involved, which defined the central challenges to improve vocational education and training in Southern Europe.

Network meeting in Athens

The first network meeting with representatives of the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, the trade union institutes INE-GSEE and KANEP-GSEE and the DEKRA Academy was held in July 2016 in Athens.
Those involved exchanged views on the situation of vocational education and training in both countries and on the on-going pilot projects in Greece.
Approaches for joint activities were identified and discussed together with INE-GSEE and KANEP-GSEE.